Dear everybody living with, in one way or another, teenagers, and every now and then ending up getting frustrated by their behaviour,
may I offer one tiny piece of advice? It comes from once being a teenager, not really remembering anything of the things that must have happened, school and stuff, but remembering every single emotion, feeling, fear and frustration of it. It also comes from working with teenagers and young adults for more than *mumblemumblemumble* years, and also having the privilege to live with such people for, so far, almost ten years.
I may? Thank you. So, here it is:
Give them a few kind words.
Even if their behaviour drives you nuts, say a few kind words before sending them off to school. When they do kind things (which they do, all the time), mention it casually and kindly to show them you've noticed. You do mention when you've noticed them doing the other stuff, don't you? Balance is important, mention the kind things too. If they look nice, let them know. If they give you nice words, smile and be happy.
You'll never regret kind words, and they will carry them with them and the words will act like a shield towards teenage life's general awkardness.
Ok, that's all.
Kind words.
5 weeks ago